Happy People Have No Stories

They (specifically Christopher Booker) say there are only seven basic plots (overcoming the monster, rags to riches, the quest, voyage and return, comedy, tragedy, and rebirth, since you ask). Considering the sheer amount of stories that have been told over the millennia humanity has entertained and educated itself with fiction, that might seem surprising. We’re usedContinue reading “Happy People Have No Stories”

You Pay Your Money

A story of mine called ‘You Pay Your Money’ has been included in the first issue of Chase The Moon. Set up by the editor of Glitterwolf Magazine, Chase The Moon aims to  ‘publish stories that haven’t found a home elsewhere. If you’re sick of seeing that line on a rejection, “your story isn’t quite the right fitContinue reading “You Pay Your Money”

Causeway / Cabhsair 5.1

  My copy of the new Causeway / Cabhsair issue arrived in the post yesterday and very lovely it is too. Not only is my story Dead Seal Beach included, but I’ve made the cover and been mentioned in the editorial.  Needless to say I’m very pleased by this. The new issue also contains haiku by Alan SpenceContinue reading “Causeway / Cabhsair 5.1”

The Wasting Embers

So. Here is the news. My debut novel, The Wasting Embers, is to be published by the lovely people at Freight Books sometime next year. Needless to say I am quite ridiculously excited about this and keeping it secret while the usual legal negotiations were underway was one of the most difficult things I’ve everContinue reading “The Wasting Embers”